
Vintage Vehicles collection



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This collection takes its definition from the Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens (FIVA) which defines 'Vintage vehicles' as those built between 1919 and 1930 anywhere in the world. The Museum's permanent collection contains a variety of cars and motorcycles.

This collection of motor vehicles reflects the changing social dynamics of the era after the First World War. Returned soldiers' exposure to motor vehicles during war service stimulated the mass motoring market from 1919. The period ends with the onset of the Great Depression, which was followed by the Second World War. Both events had a negative impact on the production of motor vehicles for the consumer market. [np]This collection represents the second generation of mass produced vehicles, reflecting a larger move within industry to this form of production. Manufacturing techniques were improved - such as greater use of metals and increasing use of simplified coatings i.e. paint, nickel and eventually chrome, increasing productivity. The standardisation of body styles (i.e. tourer bodies) combined with increasing knowledge of materials capabilities - such as deep draw steel for solid roofs - also served to make production more efficient. However there was still some retention of traditional carriage building crafts and skills, particularly in the higher priced makes and models. During this period the Australian car manufacturing industry continued to grow, but was still some way away from producing an 'All-Australian' car. This goal was not realised until 1948, when Holden released the 48-215.

A National Motor Museum collection. Access to collection items held in Museum Stores is by appointment only.


Cars; Motorcycles

Cars; Motorbikes; Road vehicles

Manufacturing; Motor Vehicle Production

Motor cars

National Motor Museum, South Australia

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2012-05-30 23:40

2011-03-04 13:46