
Kenneth Thomas North Sepik Collection



Offline Only


184 objects collected during Thomas's service as a Patrol Officer for the Administration of the Territory of New Guinea. These include defensive and offensive weapons, tools, paddles, body ornaments, skirts, household items, string bags, canoe models, masks, carved figures, headrests, ritual objects. About half the collection has been on display in the Pacific Gallery since 1947.

Researched by Barry Craig (including field trip in 2002). Copies of 2000 pages of Thomas's diaries, notes, field reports, maps etc obtained from originals held by Thomas's daughter, including a few photographs. All the objects have been photographed. Publication: Craig, B. 2002 'A Stranger in a Strange Land': Kenneth Thomas in the North Sepik Region of Papua New Guinea. In, Anita Herle, Nick Stanley, Karen Stevenson and Robert L. Welsch (eds), Pacific Art: Persistence, Change and Meaning. Adelaide: Crawford House Publishing. Pp. 191-207. Photographs and archival material in SA Museum Archives under AA336.


Anthropological specimens; Bags; Ceremonial objects; Clothing; Domestic equipment; Figures; Masks; Models; Ornaments; Paddles; Tools; Weapons

Archives; Ethnographic; Kenneth Thomas; New Guinea; Photographs; Sepik coast

Artefacts; Body adornments and alterations; Ceremonies; Indigenous peoples; Water transport

Ethnology; Indigenous artefacts; Photography

Kenneth Thomas

Coverage Spatial

Papua New Guinea; lower Sepik River area, Papua New Guinea; North coast and hinterland of East Sepik Province; North coast and hinterland of West Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea

Coverage Temporal



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2012-05-30 23:41

2011-03-18 17:38